This is an idea that has been buzzing around in my head for sometime so today I thought - why not - give it a whirl! Nothing like throwing yourself in at the deep end!
So I set up an account on BlogTalkRadio. This is completely free to use and enables you to host and schedule live radio shows. People can listen to your show streaming on the internet, and can call in either by phone (to a New York number - but you can do it from Skype) or direct from the show page by clicking the 'call the show' button which appears once a show is in progress.
I asked a couple of friends if they were free - one in the UK and one in the US, scheduled a 15 minute show for 2pm Egypt time, and went out live and unscripted at the given time - with a general chat about coaching.
You can check out the results - it worked much better than I expected but there are some teething troubles around me getting used to working the 'switchboard'. There may also be problems if I drop my internet connection during a show but if it happens, I'll just have to deal with it.
I've scheduled another show for tomorrow morning with a guest - Andrew Jenkins - and shall add more to this post after that!
Well - show 2 occurred this morning. As dreaded, my internet connection dropped for a couple of minutes so I went in to minor panic mode. I need to deal with it better! If I am coaching and the line drops, I reboot as quickly as possible and get straight back on to the call with no messing about with sorry sorry sorry. It rarely happens to be fair but is always a risk with internet calls - but having said that, these days it often happens with mobile phone calls, so I think people are much more forgiving about such things these days than they used to be.
I got back on to the session as soon as I could but if you listen to the unedited show there's a segment where it goes blank and there's a few 'hello' 'hellos' back and forth. I was interested that Andrew (as a guest) was able to stay online for part of it so I'm not sure if he had stayed on through the gap whether it would have continued to stream at that point or not. It might be worth scheduling a private show with someone (which then doesn't appear in the On Air guide but can be downloaded if you choose) to test a few of these things out.
Andrew and I have decided that we will run a regular show in future - we'll keep it at 15 minutes for now. I think it will be better to gain experience then up the length. We both need to improve our presentation skills I think!
Andrew Jenkins:
NLP Business Solutions
BlogTalkRadio (takes you through to my radio show)
101 Funny Love Quotes for Laughs, Positive Vibes and Less Stress
Being able to laugh about love is in my experience a key to success and
joy. Because it lowers your stress. It releases inner pressure and grounds
you once...
3 hours ago
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